Peter Hujar (self-portrait)

Shirley Jackson (Werner Wolff)

Richard Siken (self-portrait)

Xavier Dolan (Fred Gervais)

Jenny Slate (Katie McCurdy)
Virginia Woolf (Mondadori)

Edward Hopper (Oscar White)

Donna Tartt (Beowulf Sheehan)
Marianne Elliot (Financial Times London)
Anne Carson (Jeff Brown)
favorite works:
a clockwork orange, anthony burgess | crush, richard siken | the elegance of the hedgehog, muriel barbery | frankenstein, mary shelley | giovanni's room, james baldwin | the goldfinch, donna tartt | grief is the thing with feathers, max porter | the picture of dorian gray, oscar wilde | piranesi, susanna clarke | the sound and the fury, william faulkner | vicious, v.e. schwab | we have always lived in the castle, shirley jackson